Who Rescued Whom?

The Universe, in her infinite wisdom, blessed me by bringing this beautiful soul into my world. Side by side we’ve each walked our own path while sharing the journey.

We knew that her time in this world was drawing short. I journeyed with her to the Upper World often to show her the way home. I sent my prayers to Otorongo, Sister Jaguar, to walk by her side across the rainbow bridge into infinity. As our walks together grew shorter, we spent more and more time together ‘just being’. And it was beautiful. 

When the time was right, when she had completed what she needed to complete, she made sure that I knew. As I journeyed that last time with her at my side, I came to a deeper understanding of the breadth of her gifts.  I saw clearly that she was making her way home no faster than I could manage. Only when she knew that I was ready would she take another step. She was taking care of me, teaching me, supporting my journey to the end.

It’s the absence of her energy, so strong and so pure, that I feel the most. My heart aches for my son, as he has never experienced life without her presence. She was his anchor and beacon, ever present. It was her energy that defined ‘home’ for him. No matter which house, which town, state or even country in which he found himself living, as long as he could connect with her, he was home. 

I tell others that she was a rescue puppy. I don’t need to clarify who rescued whom. 

Journey well, sweet girl. I can’t wait to be in your presence again. We have shared past journeys and will find each other again, and again, and again. This I know to be true.

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