In no particular order....

Events and Intervals

All in this universe consists of events separated by intervals, periods of no-event. The duration of the events and the intervals define our experience of the process. The events and their associated intervals are together one. There can be no event without the interval, and no interval without the event, for they define each other. Take sound as an example. There exists no such thing as a constant sound. Rather, sound is created by the tap, tap, taps on the membrane in our ears – the events. These in turn are defined by the intervals between the taps. Representing the…

Who Rescued Whom?

The Universe, in her infinite wisdom, blessed me by bringing this beautiful soul into my world. Side by side we’ve each walked our own path while sharing the journey. We knew that her time in this world was drawing short. I journeyed with her to the Upper World often to show her the way home. I sent my prayers to Otorongo, Sister Jaguar, to walk by her side across the rainbow bridge into infinity. As our walks together grew shorter, we spent more and more time together ‘just being’. And it was beautiful.  When the time was right, when she…

Stepping into my Power

Several years ago I sought Grandmother Aya’s guidance and wisdom regarding my shamanic healing skills. I have been a practicing allopathic physician for over thirty years, spending much of my time caring for the sickest patients in intensive care units. In that role I am confident in my abilities and quite easily slip into the ‘zone’. My confidence in my shamanic healing skills was more tenuous. I felt as if I was missing something – a kernel of knowledge, some deep insight that was preventing me from truly stepping in to my shamanic healing practice. I was hoping Grandmother would…

Self Sabotage – Why?

I have a pretty good idea where I need to go, and I am constantly learning and being shown what I can do to make that journey successful. It’s not unlike having an awesome trip coordinator telling me what I need to pack or, in my case, unpack. Mostly it’s the unpacking that I need help with. Yet I frequently find myself thinking and/or acting in ways that may not support my journey. Why does this happen? Why would I ever opt to hinder my progress? I have never understood this phenomenon. I have read countless theories as to why…

Brain Games

Our brain is a wonderful thing. However, like most high-tech, “smart” devices it has its quirks. In keeping with other complex devices, none of those little hiccups are addressed in the owner’s manual.  In my cosmology, we are energetic entities that have manifested in this physical plane in the human form. Our physical presence is nothing more than a transport module, the design of which allows us to experience this reality fully.  When the power switch is thrown and the lights go on in the control room that is our brain, this manifestation begins. We are in it. Most of…

Communicating with the Universe

The information we seek is contained within the nuances of that wonderful little voice we carry. I’m not referring to the constant chatter that provides an uninvited play-by-play commentary of our every waking moment. That voice is simply static produced by our brain’s processing of incoming information, not unlike the electrical interference of a power grid. The voice I’m referring to originates in our soul and is informed by the universe around us.  Before we can understand the language of the universe, it must be translated into a language our conscious being can understand before being transmitted to the center…

We are the stories we tell ourselves

This idea is neither new nor unique. Most all of us have heard some version of this statement. Rarely, however, do we take time to really explore this idea. What does that statement REALLY mean? Is it possible that a deeper understanding will provide an opportunity to enhance our day to day experience of life? Wouldn’t that be fun! When we as energetic beings manifest in this physical form in this plane we are forced into linear time. As a result, we must create a linear existence, a timeline that defines the boundaries of our experience. We must define a…